Direct Carrier Billing Services

Direct Carrier Billing Services

We provide consumers with the opportunity to purchase digital content services and pay for these via their mobile phone bill.  These services are offered to consumers with the choice to buy as a one-time purchase or on a subscription basis.

All of our Direct Carrier Billing services offer a great user experience and also great value for customers.  A few key facts about Direct Carrier Billing in the UK Market:

  • Payment pages are securely hosted and served in the web environment by your Mobile Network Operator’s appointed Trusted Payment Intermediaries.
  • These Trusted Payment Intermediaries ensure a safe, trusted and convenient payment experience for consumers and give merchants an alternative payment method for consumers to purchase their digital products.  
  • Trusted Payment Intermediaries' platforms are required to gain "Crest" accreditation to ensure that the highest levels or cyber security are attained. All platforms are regularly tested to ensure standards are maintained and protection is in place against new cyber threats.
  • A great benefit of Direct Carrier Billing is that it provides a safe and convenient option for purchasing digital goods online. Consumers are securely identified by their mobile network via their own mobile number without the need for their number to be released to the end merchant. Consumers also avoid the hassle of entering payment card details and postal addresses making the transaction a smoother experience. All purchasers receive a receipt via text message confirming each transaction. Receipts include the value of the purchase and and the merchant’s name and contact details. 
  • Need more information? Click here to find out more.


As a merchant we advertise through trusted and secure placements purchased on the Google Display Network.  Our promotional banners are placed on websites and in apps. A consumer is able to click that banner to see further details of the offering and if they wish to purchase, they then click through to make a payment on the Trusted Payment Intermediary hosted payment pages. 

Our services and marketing are regulated closely by the Mobile Network Operators through their Codes of Practice and also by the Phone-Paid Services Authority. 


Our Services

We provide a range of services that allow consumers with access to purchase entertainment packages, enter competitions and keep fit and healthy with our fantastic Health, Fitness & Diet applications.


Health, Fitness & Diet

On average, Britons spend £30 per month on gym memberships, personal trainers typically cost upwards of £30 per session and nutritionists can cost up to £75 for a 60-minute consultation.

Our Your Fitness Guru service provides consumers with individual training and nutrition programs with 6 months unlimited access for a one-off purchase of £40. That is the equivalent of £1.54 per week and a comparative saving of around £2000 per year if personal training sessions are attended once a week and nutritionist consultation is made once every 3 months.